Your Targeting Probably Doesn’t Matter


It probably doesn’t matter…

Those interests that you obsess over? Probably don’t matter.

The lookalike audiences that you use, based on your customers or email list or followers? Don’t matter.

Those extra ad sets that you create to test these audiences? They probably matter. They likely make your results worse.

Your restrictions by age and gender? I get why you do it, but it probably hurts you.

Why It Doesn’t Matter

If you optimize for conversions and you use interests and lookalikes, your audience will be expanded. Based on every test I’ve run, there’s no clear benefit to using these targeting options. The algorithm is going to show your ads to many of the same people regardless.

It doesn’t mean that it’s never beneficial to use them, but give this some thought. You might not need any targeting inputs. This is why Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns can be effective. It’s why Advantage+ Audience with or without suggestions is often the best approach. The algorithm will deliver your ads to people most likely to perform the action that you want.

What to Focus On Instead

Your performance goal is important. Ad copy and creative that inspires that action from your target audience is important.

Once you let go of worrying about targeting, you can focus on what matters. Keep following and we’ll get you on the right path.

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