Use Sliders in Instant Forms


There’s a new Slider option in instant forms

When you create a new question, you have several options:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer
  • Conditional
  • Appointment Request

Instant Form Questions

And now there’s one more: Slider.

How Does It Work?

When you use this option, “let people answer a question on a scale by dragging an interactive slider.” This is for when you want to give people the option of expressing a range of approval.

Here’s an example…

Question: How interested are you in buying a new car?
Range: 0 for not at all and 10 for extremely interested
Step Size: 1, meaning that this is on a one point scale
Start: Center, so it starts and defaults to five

Slider Instant Form

Here’s how it looks…

Slider Instant Form

This can help you prioritize leads based on how they answer such a question.

Unfortunately you can’t yet use sliders as part of conditional logic, but hopefully this Is coming.

Instant Forms Conditional Logic

In the future, you might be able to kick people out of the form who answer under 5 in the example above.

There have been a ton of new updates to instant forms recently, and this is one of them. I just covered Redeem Promo Codes yesterday.

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