“Multiple” Conversion Location for Leads Campaigns


What’s this new conversion location?

When you create a new campaign with the Leads objective, you may see a new conversion location option in the ad set: “Multiple.”

Multiple Conversion Location

Not all advertisers have this option, but let’s dive into what it is.

What Is This?

Here’s how Meta defines it:

Optimize your ad performance across selected locations by sending people to the location where they are most likely to provide their contact information.

Multiple Conversion Location

I find it interesting that this definition is generic. The options I get are Website and Calls. But, I get the sense that we may see other options there in the future — or maybe some advertisers have different options than others.

Create the Ad

When you create the ad, you will be able to provide both a website URL (Website conversion location) and a phone number (Call conversion location). The version that is seen will differ by user.

Multiple Conversion Location

I would only expect the Call option to appear on mobile, of course. I might be missing something, but I’m not able to find a preview of what this would look like for the Call version. But, I assume it looks like the typical Click to Call ad.

Call Ads

When Would You Use It?

This option could be especially useful for situations where a lead would talk to a sales person. In some cases, it could skip the initial step of filling out a form. You’ll just need to be sure to have people on hand to answer phones.

This is another example of Meta helping advertisers consolidate and simplify their efforts. Instead of creating two separate ads or ad sets, you’d combine them into one. Theoretically, Meta would deliver between the two in the most optimal way.

I’d love to see something similar with Website and Lead Form. I know I’m not the only one who will occasionally run both of these at the same time. But if they were combined and Meta could simply choose what is most likely to work in each situation, that may lead to better results.

Do you have this option, too?

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