Celebrating the Life of Philip Arnoult, 1941-2024


Join in the Celebration of Life for Philip Arnoult, who passed away on 30 June 2024. Philip was the founder of the Baltimore Theatre Project and the Center for International Theatre Development (CITD), and lifelong connecting force for theatremakers around the world. Over the course of his long life in the theatre, he moved from being an actor, to a director, to a producer, to global theatre connector who believed deeply in the power of artists forging relationships across borders.

On 7 September, Philip’s family, friends, and collaborators will gather at the Baltimore Theatre Project to celebrate his life and work, through his way of connecting: telling stories.

Please join us at 1pm for a live stream of this event, and if you’d like to learn more about Philip’s life and work, you can read John Freedman’s powerful In Memorium in American Theatre.

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