Advertising is Simpler, Not Easier


I often talk about not overcomplicating your advertising. Do things like…

  1. Create fewer campaigns
  2. Consolidate ad sets
  3. Leverage algorithmic targeting
  4. Trust most of the automations

When you embrace a simpler approach, you can avoid a lot of the manual busy work that you’ve always done because it’s rarely beneficial now.

Meta advertising is simpler than it used to be. It needs fewer inputs from you. When you complicate things and try to override automations, you often make it worse.

Not Easier

That said, simpler does not mean easier. I’m not saying that it’s easy to get great results now. The past few years have been more difficult than ever before.

I’m also not guaranteeing that you’ll get results that are significantly better by simplifying your approach. I’m saying the extra work is misplaced and it’s not helping you.

Focus Your Efforts

Simplify your approach and leverage the automations. This will allow you to focus on the areas that make the most impact.

Things like:

  1. Copy
  2. Creative
  3. Your offer
  4. The landing page
  5. Attribution

Get that stuff right. These are the areas that you can make the most impact with your changes.

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