
Importance Of Mental Health: 7 Outside-The-Box Activities


Why Discussing Mental Health At Work Is Important

In today’s society and fast-paced workplaces, a multitude of stressors contribute to people’s mental health struggles, which are not always talked about. Every organization needs to put mental health and ways to improve it at the forefront and encourage employees to take any step necessary to work on themselves. A positive and healthy mind allows professionals to address any work-related and personal difficulties and be more productive. They can deal with stress, tackle their daily responsibilities efficiently, and build resilience. As a result, they’re able to reach their full potential and continue on their career development journey.

What Causes Bad Mental Health At Work?

The World Health Organization says that people who work in negative and highly stressful environments have higher chances of suffering mentally. Anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are a few effects of poor mental health. And those who work in toxic workplaces say that their mental state is negatively affected. Toxicity at work can mean a lot of things, including discrimination, unsafe conditions, micromanagement, pay inequality, and harassment. Also, poor communication creates barriers between employees and management. When employees are not aware of their purpose, they don’t get a sense of belonging. Furthermore, workers are often pressured to increase their performance, meaning that their workload increases and they have to put in extra hours. That, in combination with the absence of support, can make them feel overwhelmed and alone in their efforts.

Activities That Promote Mental Health

Bring-Your-Pet-To-Work Day

Researchers found that when humans interact with pets, their oxytocin levels increase. This hormone is directly associated with happiness. Dogs provide social support and comfort in the workplace. When employees are encouraged to bring their dogs to work, communication improves, and trust deepens between colleagues. Organizations can create a pet station where anyone can leave their furry friends. Individuals should be allowed to take frequent breaks from their desks and interact with the animals. They can take them for a short walk, play with them, or simply pet them. Such interactions will improve their well-being and, therefore, increase their productivity, as getting away from their desks for small pet breaks will reduce stress and prevent overworking.

Volunteer As A Team

Organizations that realize the importance of mental health may want to take part in volunteer initiatives that include the entire team. When professionals participate in events or actions focused on giving, they increase their levels of satisfaction. Their stress, anxiety, and depression levels decrease while the reward center of their brain is activated. As a result, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins are released in the brain. However, being kind shouldn’t be limited to volunteering outside the office. Team members must focus on being nice to each other and doing random acts of kindness. For example, they can give shout-outs to colleagues for their great work or keep the door open for those coming in after them. Something this simple will make them feel good about themselves and increase their confidence.

Set Up Outdoor Meetings

The average person spends around 6 hours and 58 minutes in front of a screen daily. Team meetings usually take place indoors and may involve the use of personal computers and presentations. However, companies should organize a few of these meetings outdoors. They can invite the whole team to the nearest park or to a café nearby. Getting close to nature increases people’s happiness and decreases mental stress. Even if a meeting isn’t out in nature but out of the usual office spaces, individuals will feel less pressured. During these meetings, managers and leaders can ban the use of electronic devices and instead use pen and paper for taking notes.

Have A Massage Day

Massage is known to reduce stress, lower heart rate, promote relaxation, and release endorphins. Also, it helps decrease cortisol, which is released when someone is under a lot of stress. That’s why corporations should enforce massage as a coping mechanism for struggling employees. One option is to purchase massage chairs and allow everyone to take daily breaks to enjoy them. If this choice is not affordable, companies can call local massage schools and invite students to their offices, who can offer short chair massages to those who need them. As a result, professionals get a mental health boost, and students practice their massaging skills.

Organize Fitness Challenges

Most people nowadays spend a lot of time sitting on a chair while physical activity is pushed to the curb. Organizations must encourage employees to stay active, so competition may be of assistance. For instance, they can challenge them to complete as many steps or miles as they can by walking or biking. Maybe they can include a gift or bonus at the end of each challenge to give team members an extra boost to participate. Additionally, employees can organize yoga sessions at the office and hire a professional 1–2 times a week to host classes. A 30-minute class of deep breathing and yoga will stretch their minds and bodies and energize them. Not to mention, yoga increases mental clarity and calmness while treating stress and chronic anxiety.

Set Up DIY Smoothie Stations

Organizations can show they understand the importance of mental health by installing stations where employees can create their smoothies. Ingredients like berries, green leafy vegetables, oats, and nuts should be included. These foods help balance blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and boost one’s mood. Everyone can stop by the smoothie station and craft a healthy drink of their choice. Companies must provide the necessary ingredients, equipment, and a few recipes. Understandably, such an initiative can be expensive. So, instead of having the smoothie station operate every single day, organizations can set it up once or twice a week. They could even invite a nutritionist to explain how diet plays a massive role in mental health.

Establish A Wear-Your-Favorite-Color Day

Colors hold tremendous power over people’s feelings and overall mood. They can even affect their purchases and sleep schedule, among others. Any organization can ask employees to wear their favorite colors once a week and note down the positive effects each color has on them. Commonly, we feel a lot more comfortable wearing our preferred colors and, therefore, show confidence in performing our daily tasks. Alternatively, companies can allow their workforce to paint on their desks with their favorite color.


Around 15% of working individuals live with a mental disorder, which means that organizations should understand and promote the importance of mental health in the workplace. Activities and initiatives that help those with mental struggles shouldn’t be launched strictly during Mental Health Awareness Month. It should be any company’s goal to accommodate and help team members who need support to cope with mental difficulties. The suggested activities may take some time off from work, but their benefits will prove immense. Working a bit less and being fully productive is better than overworking with very poor results in return.

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